COVID Talks / Josh Roush

What steps has your agency taken to remain operational during the COVID-19 crisis?

We placed a heavy focus on our website design and development services through working with existing clients. Unfortunately, services such as photography & videography have taken a back seat.  

What have you learned to do better during this time (as an agency)?

To truly "think differently", in all aspects of the business. From shifting our sales strategy to refining our own brand as well as polishing our internal processes we have been challenged to think differently, but all goes to say it has been for the better.  

What have you learned to do better during this time (as an individual)?

To practice deeper patience & empathy. I have focused more on controlling what I can and less what I cannot. Also, constantly finding ways and solutions to make people's lives easier around me. (clients, friends, partners, vendors, etc.)  

How have you responded to the changes in your client’s business strategy?

We created what we call now the Stay Moving Series for our friends, family, clients, and creatives who are looking for weekly inspiration and insight to help us all during these challenging times. The series has since turned into a weekly series. We are on YouTube and about to be accessible via podcasts.  

In what ways has quarantine sparked your creativity?

It has sparked me to relook at my old work, critique it, and find new solutions for a process that was heavily reliant on others. For instance, I have taken out my drone more because I have not been able to take photos of subjects like I am used to. All of which has pushed me to further elevate my creativity.  

How do you stay productive at home? (aka: kids, school, spouse, laundry)

For me, balance is paramount. I have challenged myself to split up my days by having workouts mid-day. Whether a walk, run, or at-home exercises, I created a fitness routine to set up my whole day for success.  

What’s the funniest thing that has happened in the background of your zoom session?

The background images have been pretty classic.

Given our current circumstance, what opportunities do you foresee for yourself or agency that can provide solutions?

This is more a broad statement, but I think it is forcing agencies (and brands) to become more custom and strategic-focused with their offerings. Both parties need to come together (raw and real) to work towards solving unique needs as one. This has always been the goal, but sometimes, it is often derailed by differing expectations and desires.  

Looking to the future, how do you see the marketing landscape shifting?

I am hoping it will create more empathy and collaboration between brands/agencies. It should never be an "either/or situation" or "vendor/agency" relationship. I would like to see it more like 1+1=3. I am hoping collectively we find ways to help each other for a greater goal. Things are going to be more digital for a while, and there will definitely be a great weight on technology.


COVID Talk / Colleen Perone


COVID Talks / Michael Warburton